People who choose to stay at a bed and breakfast, think about traveling differently than those who choose to stay at chain hotels. This is not to say people who frequent hotels are wrong, but there are different levels of value and comfort involved. Chain hotels hire house keepers to clean their rooms, the only stake they have in the process is a paycheck. That may seem like a great motivator, but stop to consider how you feel when you have guests staying in your home.
You want the place to be clean sure, but you also go the extra nine yards to make sure that your guests are comfortable. That is the difference. B & B owners have a personal stake in your vacation. They can help their guests to experience what it is like to live in a particular place, to know what it is like to be a local. They don't just let you know where let you know where you can find a restaurant, they probably know the owner. They have more insight than a concierge in a chain hotel, in fact some chains don't have a concierge. If you have never stayed in a bed and breakfast, why not give it a try, you could be comfortably surprised.
You want the place to be clean sure, but you also go the extra nine yards to make sure that your guests are comfortable. That is the difference. B & B owners have a personal stake in your vacation. They can help their guests to experience what it is like to live in a particular place, to know what it is like to be a local. They don't just let you know where let you know where you can find a restaurant, they probably know the owner. They have more insight than a concierge in a chain hotel, in fact some chains don't have a concierge. If you have never stayed in a bed and breakfast, why not give it a try, you could be comfortably surprised.