Sonoma, California
March 21, 2000
Leaving Petaluma this morning, we made the short drive to Sonoma, passing literally thousands of grapevines! We arrived in town shortly before noon and parked The Eagle in the city parking area, where there was lots of room for her! Walking through town and exploring the many shops, Mike decided to get a massage at the Sonoma Spa......said his back felt MUCH better afterward.
We stopped in one of the many wine shop to purchase a bottle of local wine and had it shipped to Mike's Mom & Dad in South Carolina. Lunched at Murphy's....a great meal and (wonder of wonders!) I was allowed to smoke at the outdoor table! Just across the cobblestone street from Murphy's, I found Jeanine's Coffee & Tea Shop and purchased Chocolate Cherry Coffee and Pecan Fudge Coffee.....can't wait to make my coffee in the morning!
After we made the circuit around the town square, I took a nap while Mike took pictures around the area. Soon, it was time to head to our destination for the night, Hidden Oak Bed & Breakfast. We toured the home, settled in, and soon headed out for a dinner arranged by Valerie (of Hidden Oak) at one of Sonoma's newest restaurants - Maya. Be sure to read both our reviews!
You can see some of the sights we photographed along the way and while in Sonoma, by visiting our "Photos of the Day" at our Spring/Summer Tour.