"The Happy Farmers" | "Who Expect Miracles" | |
Praise the Lord! | and Harvest shall not cease." (Gen.8:22) | Hallelujah! |
---Twelveth Anniversary---
I became a fanatic for Jesus Christ over 16 years ago and I am becoming more of a fanatic every day. Praise Jesus!
My friend, Dr. Jim Garlow, preached a message on May 24th entitled, "How To Be A Fanatic Without Being A Wacko". I sent for the tape and have listened to it two times. Pastor Jim said a fanatic is someone who doesn't care what the world thinks about him when it comes to serving Jesus. I want to add to that, a fanatic for Jesus will not be concerned what the religious world thinks about him. Now, stay with me and don't turn me off as I know my part in the Body of Christ. If I don't make you mad or glad I haven't done my part. Remember, it was the religious people of Jesus' day who crucified Him. He didn't tell them what they wanted to hear.
Dr. Jim Garlow is pastoring the fast growing church, Metro-plex Chapel in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex area. He also knows a lot about the law and principle of Seedtime & Harvest, as he was born and reared on a farm in Kansas.
Mary Leigh and I got to spend some time with Jim's parents, Burtis and Winifred, at our Wesleyan Church General Conference in Des Moines, IA, June 21-22. Burtis was Directory of Wesleyan Men over the mid-western states when I was President of Wesleyan Men of the Tri-State District (Arkansas, Missouri & Oklahoma). He set up meetings for the Happy Farmer to minister Spirit and Life to many perople through the TRUTH of God's WORD. Hallelujah!
Jim said in his message, a person who is a WACKO does not concern himself about credibility and integrity. I told the Garlows that they could tell Him that I believed I passed the TEST of being a fanatic but not a wacko. Remember a FANATIC is a Christian who doesn't give a rip what the world or the religious world thinks about his understanding and his relationship to Jesus. Praise Jesus!
I Am A Radical
I believe I am a fanatic and also a RADICAL for JESUS. But I was neither a fanatic or a radical for Jesus until I was FILLED with the HOLY SPIRIT according to what Jesus said in Acts 1:8, Halleujah! And I'll only stay that way as I continue in the Word and am continually and ever filled and empowered according to John8:31 and Eph. 5:18.
Now remember what I said in the beginning about all of us being a fanatic about someone or something.
YOU are a fanatic or radical about sports, hobby, work, occupation, clothes, cars, airplanes, motorcycles, dogs, cats, birds, TV, radio, videos or something else. I can talk to you 5 or 10 minutes and I will know what you are a fan of or radical about.
What is being a radical for Jesus??? Please let me give you this definition. A person who OBEYS the perfect will of God for his or her life without fear or regard to men. Doing the works of Jesus without apology qualified YOU for the front lines and that is nothing more than obeying YOUR divine commission. You can seek for nothing higher than doing the will of God for your life. Hallelujah!
If God's calling for your life is to be the church custodian, and you fulfill that commission with JOY and obedience, then you are a "RADICAL". And we have the most "radical" church custodian in the Wesleyan Church at Hopeton and she is my favorite, and only daughter-in-love, Jane. Praise God that she is a "RADICAL". Hallelujah!
Radical Christianity is not measured by great feats of religious activity, it is measured by simple OBEDIENCE. Many believers have not progressed very far spiritually and many times it is because they are afraid of being labeled as "RADICAL". This fear of being labeled a "RADICAL" has kept many people from arising and taking their rightful place in spiritual authority.
A Time To Sow
The picture on the front of Seedtime & Harvest is our son Terry, making the first round of our 1992 Wheat Harvest on June 9. It was sown with good seed on September 17, 1991, in good ground. The drills, Terry has repaired and ready to sow again in September the '93 crop.
There is a time to SEED (sow) and there is a time to Harvest (reap). There is a gestation period of time for every seed sown before there is a reaping of the HARVEST. Hallelujah! Now I am about to get excited as the Holy Spirit is stirring within me. If I was a King James scholar I would say, Verily, verily, I say unto you which means LISTEN, LISTEN, this is very important.
It was almost 9 months (lacking only 8 days) from the time of sowing and reaping this field of wheat. There is a mighty powerful spiritual application in this. We sow the incorruptible SEED of God's word in people's hearts and we think it ought to produce an instant harvest. It is not always that way, unless someone has been praying for that person or speaking the WORD over them.
Back to the Picture. During the time from sowing to reaping the agriculture experts predicted the greenbugs first and the mosaic rust was killing it, then, that the late freeze probably killed 40 to 60 percent of it and then the lack of rain and then when it did rain it was so much it might rot in the field. But Praise God, we blessed the wheat and ground almost every time we drove down the road or looked out the window from the house. We praise God that we are not dependent on the experts and weather predators for our Harvest. Praise God, for His Word that tells us we have been redeemed from the curse of the law (Gal. 3:13) and whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven (Matt. 16:19). Hallelujah! And that we have the power of life and death in our tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit. (Prov. 18:21). Praise God that we are no longer baby Christians, living on milk but we are living on the strong meat of God's (promise) Word. What you say....is...what you get.
We finished our harvest June 20 and I am writing this July 7, 1992. Back to the spiritual application of the natural experience of our wheat crop.
Every spiritual principal in the Bible is based on the scripture on the heading of each issue of Seedtime & Harvest. "As long as the earth remains, SEEDTIME and HARVEST shall not cease." Hallelujah!
The incorruptible SEED of God's word never dies when it is seeded in the minds and hearts of people. It may lay for years sometimes but it will bear fruit if you don't grow weary in watering and believing for the HARVEST. Praise Jesus!
It All Ties Together
Some of you may be wondering how this all ties together, but it does. Twelveth Anniversary -- A Fanatic, NOT a WACKO -- 16 YEARS A RADICAL - GROW UP -- A TIME TO SOW -- A TIME TO REAP and General Conference of the Wesleyan Church.
We have been in the Wesleyan Church since it's beginning -- when the Wesleyan Methodist and Pilgrim Holiness merged and became The Wesleyan Church. In April, 1976, I was delivered from a spirit of fear when Garland Solomon (a farmer) prayed the prayer of deliverance for me. It was in a motel room in Amarillo, Texas, at a FGBMFI convention and I was also filled and saturated with the Holy Spirit's Power and Love.
On the way home Mary Leigh asked me how we could go back to our dead Wesleyan Church and up out of my spirit came these words, "Who needs what we have found more than our own people?" Our people knew something radical had happened to me and I go to sow much of the incorruptible seed that had become revelation knowledge and Spirit and life to me across several states. I spoke in a National Convention for Wesleyan Men along with Dr. Jim Garlow in January, 1980. But in July 1980, I was released from my position in the Wesleyan Church. Hallelujah!
On August 4, 1980, the Happy Farmers Ministries was born out of the SEED that had been planted in Mary Leigh and me through 1974 to 1980.
Jim Garlow know I was a Radical Fanatic. And praise God, in 1982, Jim had a Love Experience with the Lord, is the way he expresses it. His ministry took on new life and meaning. Praise Jesus!
I knew I was to go to General Conference but it didn't look like (in the natural) that we would be done harvesting in time. But we arrived for Sunday AM service and saw a lot of people and pastors of churches where we ministered in 1976-1980. I told them I didn't know why we were there but knew we were to be there. In my prayer time on Monday morning the Holy Spirit told me not to say that I didn't know why we were there. He said you are here to plant Seed. I told several people that on Monday and on Monday night I told Mary Leigh I was free to go. Hallelujah!
The Happy Farmers are still available to minister God's Word wherever the Holy Spirit opens the door and I know God will miraculously change people's lives wherever we minister His LOVE and His WO"RD. Hallelujah!
We have ministered many places the past year, but usually the doors don't open until it's too late to put in our publication.
Remember Radical Christianity is not measured by great feats of religious activity, it is measured by simple OBEDIENCE to God and His WORD. Hallelujah!
I love you and Jesus loves you.
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Get your Bible and let's do a a study on the Parable of the Good Samaritan. We're going to look at this as a picture; from the fall of Adam to the Second Coming of Jesus (Luke 10:30-37).
Read Luke 10:30. Let's think of Adam as being that certain man. He was placed here on the earth, given authority to rule and dominate this planet. But notice that he fell among thieves. We know from John 10:10, who the thief is. Satan and his demons did three things to this man. First, they stripped him of his clothing. Second, they wounded him and Third, they left him half-dead. This is the three-fold curse of the law: poverty, sickness and spiritual death (cut off from God).
It is significant that he was left half-dead; because when Adam sinned in the garden, he did not fall over dead even though God told him that if he ate of the fruit, he would surely die. (Gen. 2:17). At that moment he died spiritually, but he was still alive physically. In other words he was half-dead.
Read verses 31 & 32. The priest and Levite both represent the law with its ritual and sacrifice. Notice that neither one could help. The law was never designed to sav man, but to tell man that he is a sinner and needs a savior. (Rom 3:20-26).
Read verses 33 & 34. Thank God for Jesus, Our Good Samaritan! He did not come by chance, but was on a journey. He had a definite purpose in coming from Jesusalem (heaven) to Jericho (earth). He did not pass by on the other side, but came to us. (Rom. 5:6-11).
He also had compassion and bound up his wounds. There is healing in the strong work of Jesus. He died to redeem us from sin and sickness. (Psa. 103:3 & Matt. 8:12).
We'll talk about the oil and the wine a little later.
Finally, the Good Samaritan brought this man to an Inn, and took care of him. The Inn represents the Church. When Jesus redeems us, He places us into the Church, the Body of Christ and turns us over to the Innkeeper, who is the Holy Spirit, for safekeeping. (John 14:16-18).
Read verse 35. Jesus told us that He is Coming Again. After He turned us over to the host, the Holy Spirit (the Innkeeper for this dispensation) He promised to come again for us. (Acts 1: 9-11).
Since that time a lot of speculation has come and gone as to how long Jesus would be gone. We do not know the day nor the hour but the general time can be derived from Scripture (Matt. 24:36).
The Samaritan gave the host two demarii to last until He would return. (Matt. 20:1&2). So the Innkeeper was given enough money for two days. (II Pet. 3:8).
Was Jesus telling us He would be gone Two Thousand Years? His return is close, we must admit!
Read verses 36 & 37. Jesus proved that the neighbor was Himself. We were the ones on the road. Without Jesus, we were helpless. (John 14:6).
To receive Eternal Life, we turn away from the priest and Levite (our own words, creeds and doctrines). Jesus is the only One with something to offer.
The Oil and the Wine are both types of the Holy Spirit. There is One Holy Spirit but He has two main ministries in the earth today.
The Oil was poured into the wound, first. Oil is a type of the Holy Spirit in the New Birth (John 3:5&6).
Then the Wine is a type of the Holy Spirit in the Infilling. (Eph. 5:18&19).
On the day of Pentecost, the disciples were accused of being drunk but they had received the fullness of the Spirit. (Acts 1:1-21).
Wine to excess in the natural produces a change in a person and so does being filled with the Spirit.
He poured in the Oil and the Wine.
The kind that restoreth my soul.
He found me bleeding and dying on the Jericho road.
And He poured in the Oil and the Wine.
I hope you enjoyed this study as much as I have!
This website created and maintained by Cruising America
This issue of Seedtime & Harvest marks the twelveth anniversary of the Happy Farmers Ministries and I am happy to report to you that our walk and travels with Jesus and our angels keeps getting more exciting every day as we proclaim the "Good New" in the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Are You A Radical?
A Time To Reap
The Happy Farmer<
Greetings In The Name of Jesus
from Mary Leigh
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