Hilltop Lodge is located off Route 120 between Emporium and St. Marys, PA at the village of Howard, atop Moore Hill in Cameron County.
The north central region of Pennsylvania is the state's most mountainous region. The mountains are the tallest and steepest with narrow gorges and valleys forging their way through the Cameron County area.
Hilltop Lodge is the perfect mountain getaway in Pennsylvania.
Located at the mountain's summit edge, the 116-acre posted property connects the Elk State Forest and Hicks Run area, where Pennsylvania's only elk herd (approximately 350) can be found. Click here for a map of the area. The elk are frequently seen on the property. This area also boasts the record Buck taken in 1997. Bear can also be seen near the property and in the State Gamelands.
Also available are horseback riding (at Mountaintop Outfitters, a neighboring farm), ELK TOURS, mountain biking trails, snowmobile trails on the property and trail system in the neighboring Elk State Forest and Hicks Run area, hiking, cross-country skiing and snowmobiling. |
Hunter's Mall
Pennsylvania Visitors Network
Mountaintop Outfitters
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Copyright(c) 1998 -- Created: 3/7/98