Planning & Booking Your Adventure

Selecting a Trip

Although this website may capture your interest, it does not contain all the information you need to make an intelligent decision. Just contact us by phone or email and we'll be happy to send additional trip information to include any applicable application fees, tag fees and/or taxes for the state(s) you are interested in going to.

Let Us Handle Your Airfare

When you book a trip with Backcountry Odysseys, we want your entire experience to be as easy as possible. We recommend that you have all your airfare travel handled through our company. We network with Sather Travel, an American Express Representative, who guarantees our clients the lowest airfare in the country.

Travel Insurance

Backcountry Odysseys strongly advises Travel Insurance prior to any of our adventure trips to protect yourself against lost baggage, forced trip cancellations and resulting penalties, accident and emergency medical expenses associated with your trip. you may purchase competitive and reliable insurance through our office. Details and an application will be sent along with your trip confirmation.

Currency, Price and Itinerary Changes

All rates on this website are quoted in U.S. Dollars and do not include application fees, tags or taxes unless otherwise noted. All prices are subject to change at any time without notice due to currency fluctuations, adjustments and possible surcharges imposed on us by the trip operator. Due to forces beyond our control, itineraries are subject to change at any time.


To book your reservation with Backcountry Odysseys, please call us at 503-361-7902 or email us at to confirm availability, cost and deposit requirements. A reservation will then be made, reserving your space for a period of 10 days.

Deposit and payment Requirements

Your deposit is due within 10 days of your reservation. After Backcountry Odysseys receives your deposits and reservation form, a confirmation packet will be sent to you.

Confirmation Packet

Detailed information about your trip, an invoice confirming your paid deposits and balance due, a medical form if required, travel insurance application and waiver, and liability waiver will be included. These forms must be completed and returned with your final payment in full, which is due 30-60 days prior to departure.

Last Minute Bookings

Last minute bookings under 30 days require payment in full and will be assessed a $30.00 priority-handling fee.


In the event you need to cancel your reservations, please notify our office immediately. We will forward you a cancellation request which must be completed, signed and returned to us within 15 days of your phone cancellation. Upon receiving your completed cancellation request, your initial deposit may be applied to another suitable replacement you have found to take your place, applied to any trip within 12 months of your dated cancellation request, or you may receive a complete refund less a $50.00 service charge and any penalties assessed by the trip operator. The individual trip operator sets refunds beyond the initial deposit; any refunds made will be in full compliance of the trip operator in question. Once your final deposits have been received, any changes in trip dates, participant names, or reduction in group size may result in penalties assessed by trip operator in question. Penalties for changing domestic or international airline reservations are subject to change fees depending on the carrier rules.

Passports and Visas

All travelers entering Canada are responsible for obtaining all required documents for proof of citizenship. U.S. citizens are required to have either a valid passport or original birth certificate with the raised seal and photo I.D. Non-U.S. citizens require a valid passport and in some cases visas and health certificates. Backcountry Odysseys does not assume responsibility for a traveler's failure to carry the appropriate documentation.

Responsibilities of Backcountry Odysseys

Backcountry Odysseys, their affiliates, assignees, and cooperative agents, act only as agents for the client with respect to the services offered on this website. They cannot be held responsible or liable for personal injury, delay, accident, sickness, loss of personal property, strikes, armed conflict, criminal conduct by third parties, natural disaster or additional expenses incurred due to weather, disruption of advertised schedules or other causes beyond their control.

Backcountry Odysseys reserves the right to accept or reject any person as a member of the wilderness vacation packages in this website and has the right to make changes in the schedule or itinerary wherever deemed necessary for the comfort and safety of the patrons, and to cancel a booking at any time. In the case of a booking cancelled by Backcountry Odysseys, the company shall have no responsibility beyond the initial refund of monies paid to Backcountry Odysseys by the client. When booking reservations through Backcountry Odysseys, the client agrees neither Backcountry Odysseys nor its affiliates shall be liable for any damage, loss or expense occasioned by any act of omission of any supplier providing tour services to any person.

We recommend that participants have a medical check-up, be in good physical health and have adequate travel, cancellation and accident insurance. While every effort is extended to ensure a safe, enjoyable trip, our wilderness adventure expeditions and all the activities included therein are not experienced without some risk. In consideration of, and as part payment for, the right to participate in such trips and activities, the participant hereby assumes as his or her personal risk all the hazards and dangers of our wilderness adventure expeditions and all associated activities. All participants are required to read and complete a Reservation Form at time of registration to validate their reservation with Backcountry Odysseys. By making reservations with and paying reservation fees to Backcountry Odysseys, it is assumed that you agree to and accept all the foregoing terms, policies and conditions and that you are thereby bound by their content.

All Rates Quoted Are Subject To Change Without Notice

For Reservations,
use our online Info Request Form, or contact:

(503) 361-7902
Phone & Fax

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